Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013! -nomorebrokenheart-

Hello February! Hello 2013! I just woke up and realized it's already a new year.
This year is going to be something because I am turning into 25!
No I am not happy with that because I am old now.
How funny is it that I wanted to grow up faster when I was young, and now I wished I would stop growing up!

It's a brand new year and one month has already passed.
Did I make any resolutions? Nope.
I thought making them is easy but fulfilling them is the other story.
Saw someone said, making resolutions which are easier to fulfill.
Nah, it's still the same. If I have no intention/will/mood, I'll still fail.
SO!, I came up with no-target-2013.

I've made a lot of thinking lately, yes, I always made-a-lot-of-thinking.
Things that I've longed, I seemed not wanting it so soon.
Like getting a baby, getting married. I started to see angles that I've overlooked.
It's always easy to say than to do.
Instead of a yearly resolution, I want to do a 5 years life planning now.
A real one, one that I will want to make it happened.

I still need to plan and think and read a lot.
A 5 year plan is not easy. I'll be 30 by then, almost half of my life gone.
Oh, one thing that I need to complete in 2013 is that I'll make myself read at least 1 book each month.
A thick or a thin book, it still counts. So far, I've done 2. Reading is good. :目
It's 1st Feb, and I am starting a new one. Yeay~!

I've resigned from my current position and am searching for a new position somewhere far far away.
I've been reading very "rajin-ly" (diligently)
I've been eating less, exercising more. I've gotten muscle on my arms now.
I've been a good girl. :)
I've chopped my hair off~!
Yeay me! Yeay 2013! Yeay everyone!


Auf Wiedersehen~!!